One of these moments occurred as I sat by watching the youth club for Mhalaunda perform a drama and HOPE kit activities. They are preparing for the upcoming Youth Day at Embangweni, a small town roughly 15km from where I stay. Youth Day is a summit for youth, to display different activities they’ve been working on, to network with other villages, to dance, sing, and eat in the company of hundreds of other youth. It’s an understatement to say they’re excited. This is huge. They’ve been practicing for weeks now.
Chance is the one directing the “troupe.” She’s Mama Chavula’s niece, a girl I’ve grown quite fond of. She also was selected to represent Mhalaunda at Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) this past August. After watching her grow so much in that short week, I then asked her to be one of my esteemed counselors at Women2Women in December. Chance is taking it all in stride; she’s becoming quite the leader, shepherding her peers to be assertive and self-confident.
This week, she’s playing the role of director. She’s suggested the other members of the troupe play out several outcomes to a scenario, the boy-meets-girl type. One girl was to reply to the scenario that she’s not interested in what the boy has to offer; she wants to focus on school and abstain from relationships. One to reply that the boy and the girl may marry, but only if he remains faithful. One replies that they may have sex, but only if a condom is used. And the last pair, to continue a healthy, happy marriage the man and woman plan to be faithful while still using condoms.
And Chance directed the whole production, giving pointers, suggestions, supplying a way of phrasing to the actors. These actors are the youth of my village, the nurse’s daughter, the headmaster’s son, the reverend’s girl, the various kids (I suppose I should say adolescents) I see on a daily basis. Then upon the close of the drama, they performed the bridge activity. Chance, demonstrating for our small rehearsal audience, explained its symbolism. The bridge lies across troubled water full of dangers, herein recognized as snakes, crocodiles, and hippopotamuses. The plethora of dangers are an allusion to perils in life, those posed by early marriage, dropping out of school, unwanted pregnancy, etc. Across the troubled water there at first lies one bridge of two colors, one side white, and the other blue (this is essentially a long stick with a width of an inch and a half). Chance asked each of the actors to attempt a crossing. After much fanfare, they are of course practicing being theatrical here; many fall off, splashing into the waters of uncertainty. Only two make it across safely. Chance elucidates. The white and blue bridge is to symbolize abstinence and being faithful. Yet few cross to their future relying on that method alone, hence the two lonely actors on the other side. Chance adds on to the bridge, a counterbalancing stick of yellow, making the cross all the more facile. This part of the bridge is condom use and accurate information about sex. Each of the actors then crossed the dual bridge. This time everyone made it across, making that final step with an exuberant cry of “Nditha!” Meaning “I can!” An affirmation that one may pursue their future without being mired in the dangers that afflict life.
It was well done. A performance that’s sure to knock the socks off the other programs at Youth Day. The kids think they have a showstopper and I tend to agree.
I sat and observed the show, only to participate when I crossed to give my peremptory “Nditha!” I recognized that my role was only to advise and otherwise marvel at the agency Chance has taken in this instance. It felt good. I know that Chance has adopted and incorporated the many teachings she’s been exposed to through GLOW and Women2Women. She’s effloresced under mentors and proper role models. And I’ve had the pleasure of watching her bloom. She takes such initiative and care, now steering her peers to be more self-assured, confident, and well-informed. Her guidance is empowering more now. She’s paying it forward.
I looked on and marveled. A bit proud. I know I’ve had an impact with at least one young woman – and by the transitive property perhaps more. But even the thought that Chance will go on empowering others that makes all my time here worth it.
Chance and me at Women2Women